Everything you need to know about Minnesota Form PRO1302, including helpful tips, fast facts & deadlines, how to fill it out, where to submit it and other related MN probate forms.
There are all sorts of forms executors, beneficiaries, and probate court clerks have to fill out and correspond with during probate and estate settlement, including affidavits, letters, petitions, summons, orders, and notices.
Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate is a commonly used form within Minnesota. Here’s an overview of what the form is and means, including a breakdown of the situations when (or why) you may need to use it:
Sometimes it’s tough to find a quick summary— here’s the important details you should know about Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate:
This form pertains to the State of Minnesota
Government forms are not typically updated often, though when they are, it often happens rather quietly. While Atticus works hard to keep this information about Minnesota’s Form PRO1302 - Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate up to date, certain details can change from time-to-time with little or no communication.
Double check that you have both the correct form name and the correct form ID. Some Minnesota probate forms can look remarkably similar, so it’s best to double, even triple-check that you’re using the right one! Keep in mind that not all States have a standardized Form ID system for their probate forms.
Fill out all relevant fields in Form PRO1302, take a break, and then review. Probate and estate settlement processes in MN are long enough to begin with, and making a silly error can push your timeline even farther back. No thank you!
Note: If you don’t currently know all of the answers and are accessing Form PRO1302 online, be sure to avoid closing the browser tab and potentially losing all your progress (or use a platform like Atticus to help avoid making mistakes).
Some States and situations require particular forms to be notarized. If you have been instructed to get the document notarized or see it in writing on the document, then make sure to hire a local notary. There are max notary fees in the United States that are defined and set by local law. Take a look at our full guide to notary fees to make sure you aren’t overpaying or getting ripped off.
This is most often the local probate court where the decedent (person who passed away) is domiciled (permanently resides) or the institution involved with this particular form (e.g. a bank). Some offices allow you to submit forms online, other’s don’t, and we while we generally recommend going in-person to expedite the process, sometimes that simply isn’t an option.
It’s also a generally good idea to establish a positive working relationship with any probate clerk (unfortunately there’s enough people & process out there making things more difficult and unnecessarily confusing for them), so a best practice is to simply ask the probate clerk proactively exactly how and where they’d prefer you to submit all forms.
Need help getting in touch with a local probate court or identifying a domicile probate jurisdiction?
👉 Find and Contact your Local Probate Court
👉 What is a Domicile Jurisdiction?
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Different probate forms or processes can require different deadlines or response times for completing the appropriate form.
While some steps in the process are bound to specific deadlines (like petitioning for probate, having to submit an inventory of assets, or filing applicable notices to creditors and beneficiaries), many probate forms or processes are not tied to a specific deadline since the scope of work can vary based on situational factors or requirements involved.
Either way, there are a bunch of practical reasons why personal representatives should work to complete each step as thoroughly and quickly as possible when completing probate in Minnesota.
The sooner you begin, the faster Minnesota can allow heirs and beneficiaries to get their share of assets subject to probate. Acting promptly can also decrease the costs & overall mental fatigue through an otherwise burdensome process.
Helpful Context: What’s the Difference Between Probate and Non-Probate Assets?
In general, creditors of an estate usually have around 3-6 months from the time you file notice to creditors to file any claims for debt against the deceased’s assets. If they don’t, then that debt is forfeited (and more importantly, the executor won’t be held personally responsible). So doing this sooner means you have a better idea of who is owed what and ensures you won’t get a surprise collector months later.
Not filing a will within 30 days (on average) could mean that the probate process proceeds according to intestate laws (laws that govern what happens to someone's stuff without a will) or is subject to unnecessary supervision by the probate court. And if you aren't directly related to the deceased (a.k.a. next of kin), this could also mean you lose your inheritance.
It’s important to file any necessary state tax returns on behalf of the deceased or estate by the following tax season in Minnesota. If you don’t, you could owe penalties and interest. This also includes any necessary federal tax returns such as Forms 1040, 1041, or even a Form 706 estate tax return.
If a house in the State of Minnesota is left empty (or abandoned) for a while, insurance can get dicey. For example, if the house burns down and no one has been there for a year, an insurance company may get out of paying your claim.
If you’re not using Atticus to get specific forms, deadlines, and timelines for Minnesota probate, then try and stay as organized as possible, pay close attention to the dates mentioned in any correspondence you have with the State’s government officials, call the local Minnesota probate clerk or court for exact answers regarding Form PRO1302, and when in doubt— consult a qualified trust & estates lawyer for that area.
Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate is one of the many probate court forms available for download through Atticus.
It may also be available through some Minnesota probate court sites, such as . In order to access the latest version, be updated with any revisions, and get full instructions on how to complete each form, check out the Atticus Probate & Estate Settlement software or consider hiring a qualified legal expert locally within Minnesota.
While Atticus automatically provides the latest forms, be sure to choose the correct version of Form PRO1302 - Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate f using any other site or resource in order to avoid having to re-complete the form process and/or make another trip to the Minnesota probate court office.
Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate is a .pdf, so opening it should be as simple as clicking “View Form” from within the Atticus app or by clicking the appropriate link found on any Minnesota-provided government platform. Once you’ve opened the form, you should be able to directly edit the form before saving or printing.
Form PRO1302 - Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate is a probate form in Minnesota.
Minnesota has multiple types of probate and the necessary forms depend on the unique aspects of each estate, such as type and value of assets, whether there was a valid will, who is serving as the personal representative or executor, and even whether or not they also live in Minnesota.
During probate, all personal representatives and executives in are required to submit a detailed inventory of assets that must separate non-probate assets from probate assets.
Probate in Minnesota, especially without guidance, can take years to finish and cost upwards of $14,000.
What is probate, exactly?
Probate is the government’s way of making sure that when a person dies, the right stuff goes to the right people (including the taxes the government wants).
All of that stuff is collectively known as someone’s “estate”, and it’s the job of the executor or personal representative to fill out all the forms and complete all the required steps to formally dissolve the estate.
To get instant clarity on the entire probate process and get an idea of the steps, timeline, and best practices, read the Atticus Beginner’s Guide to Probate.
Where can I get help with Probate?
The best place? Create an account in Atticus to start getting estate-specific advice.
You may need a lawyer, you may not, and paying for one when you didn’t need it really hurts. Atticus makes sure you make the best decisions (plus you can write it off as an executor expense).
We’ve also created a list of other probate services. Be sure to check it out!
What does a MN executor or personal representative have to do?
An executor is named in someone’s will, and if the deceased didn’t have a will, then the spouse or other close family relative usually steps up to fulfill the role. If no one wants to do it, then a judge will appoint someone.
The executor is responsible for the complete management of the probate process, including major responsibilities such as:
Creating an inventory of all probate assets.
Filling out all necessary forms
Paying off all estate debts and taxes
Submitting reports to the court and beneficiaries as requested
And much more. This process often stretches longer than a year.
For an idea of what separates executors who succeed from those who make this way harder than it should be, visit our article, Executors of an Estate:
What they do & secrets to succeeding.
Here’s the text, verbatim, that is found on Minnesota Form PRO1302 - Petition To Allow Final Account, Settle, And Distribute Estate. You can use this to get an idea of the context of the form and what type of information is needed.
Petition to Allow Final Account, Settle, and Distribute Estate PRO1302 State ENG 11/20 www.mncourts.gov/forms Page 1 of 3 State of Minnesota District Court County of: Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Probate In Re the Estate of: Petition to Allow Final Account, Settle, and Distribute Estate ___________________________________, Decedent (Deceased person) 1.My name is __________________________________________ and I am the appointed Personal Representative. 2.All of the findings in the Order dated _________________________ are still true and correct except (write “none” if no changes): _________________________________________________________________________ 3.I have given notice to all interested parties. 4.Th e Decedent’s heirs are: ☐as identified in the Order dated ___________________________, or ☐as follows: 5.This Court’s order dated __________________________________ determined that: (check all that apply) Petition to Allow Final Account, Settle, and Distribute Estate PRO1302 State ENG 11/20 www.mncourts.gov/forms Page 2 of 3 The Decedent died testate (with a valid Will) and the Decedent’s Will is made up of the following: Last Will dated ______________________________. Codicil(s) dated ______________________________. Separate writings(s) under Minn. Stat. 524.2-513 dated ______________________________. Decedent died intestate (without a valid Will). 6.My appointment as personal representative is still in full force and effect. There is no personal representative of the Decedent appointed in Minnesota or elsewhere whose appointment has not been terminated. 7.The Estate has been fully administered and all expenses, debts, valid charges, and claims allowed have been f ully paid, except (write “none” if there are none): __________________________________________________________________________ 8.A Final Account is filed and presented for consideration and approval. 9.Th e time for presenting claims that arose before the death of the Decedent has passed. 10.The property on hand for distribution is as listed in the Final Account, and should be distributed as follows: _________________________________________________________________________ 11. The Will has a clause that the court needs to interpret. Based on the above, I ask the court to schedule a hearing on this Petition and enter an order formally: 1. Determining testacy as it affects any persons who were previously omitted or unnotified and other interested parties, if any, and confirming any previous order of testacy as it affects all interest persons. 2.D etermining Decedent’s heirs, if not done previously. 3. Probating Decedent’s Will, if not done previously. Petition to Allow Final Account, Settle, and Distribute Estate PRO1302 State ENG 11/20 www.mncourts.gov/forms Page 3 of 3 4.  Interpreting Decedent’s Will. 5. Confirming the acts of the Personal Representative as shown by the Final Account and this petition. 6. Allowing the Final Account. 7. Determining the persons entitled to distribution of the Estate and their respective interests. 8. Approving settlement of the Estate and:  Issuing a decree of distribution assigning the Estate to the persons entitled to the Estate. OR  Directing or approving the distribution of the Estate by the Personal Representative to the persons entitled to the Estate. 9. Granting such other relief as may be proper. I declare under penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. Dated Signature of Petitioner Name: Address: County and state where signed City/State/Zip: Telephone: Email:  Attorney for Personal Representative: Name: Firm: Address: Attorney License No.: Email: Telephone:
View allMinnesota probate forms.
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